Welcome to the page that I wish I had when I started collecting glass. The Colour Guide.
Identifying glass can be extremely tricky but one of the best ways is by looking at the colour. Factories only produced pieces in specific colours so matching the colour is a good starting place to build from.
This page is a bank of colour snap shots from different factories, and countries, for you to use.
Remember the page is always being updated so check back and see if the colour you are searching for appears here.
British Glass
Whitefriars Meadow Green
Whitefriars Kingfisher Blue
Whitefriars Indigo
Whitefriars Gold Amber FLC
Whitefriars Aubergine
Whitefriars Arctic Blue FLC
Whitefriars Sky Blue FLC
Whitefriars Twiglight
Whitefriars Silver
Whitefriars Tangerine
Whitefriars Saphire
Whitefriars Sage Green
Whitefriars Ruby
Whitefriars Pewter
Whitefriars Flint
Whtefriars White Ceramic On Blue
Whitefriars Sea Green
Whitefriars Royal Blue
Whitefriars Willow
Whitefriars Cinnamon
Whitefriars Aqua FLC
Dartington Clear
Dartington Flame
Dartington Kingfisher
Dartington Midnight

Dartington Royal Blue
Awaiting Dartington Green
Scandinavian Glass Colours
Riihimaen Lasi Oy
Riihamaen Lasi Cased Red
Riihimaen Lasi Smokey Blue
Riihimaen Lasi Olive Green
Riihimaen Lasi Blue tint Green
Riihimaen Lasi Electric Green
Riihimaen Lasi Electric Blue
Riihimaen Lasi Cinnamon
Riihimaen Lasi Clear
Riihimaen Lasi Amerthyst
Riihimaen Lasi Amber
Riihimaen Lasi Orange